Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Becoming Louis Lane

This blog goes out to all of the wonderwomen of the world.  The ones who try to be everybody's everything.  The perfectionists. The leaders of. The go-getters. The ones-who-everyone-can-slack-around-them-because-they-have-their-stuff-together-ers. You.
We are a special breed of people.  Somehow we have convinced both ourselves and the world that we have some special chromosome that makes us magically capable of accomplishing more than the average person and to a greater degree of perfection. 
As we strive to achieve unrealistic goals, all to often we find ourselves frustrated and wondering how our efforts could be so fruitless.  It may seem as silly as trying to touch the moon by jumping on a trampoline to most, however to us, it is a very real.
This same struggle to achieve perfection is not always just found in our careers, it often affects every molecule of our being.  It goes without saying that some of those molecules affected are the fatty ones, the ones that we stare at and wish weren't there.  The ones that if they would only go away, then we would be content.  Just one more hour on the treadmill, denying one more bowl of ice cream, lifting one more weight, eating one more meal of celery.  Are they gone yet? Nope. And back to the hamster wheel we go. Must...gain...perfection...Must...be...superwoman...No...flaws...visible.
Binge eating they say is common among perfectionists.  The meticulous calorie counting, going to the gym for hours on end each day, getting frustrated by the lack of results as we stare in the mirror, eating thousands upon thousands of calories to comfort ourselves then repeating the cycle.  It is a vicious cycle and one that is hard to break. 
This post marks the start of one journey.  A journey in attaining not a trophy for best body but freedom (a gift far better than any accolade).  Freedom experienced by trading in Superwoman's cape for much more fitting attire.  Becoming Louis Lane.